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December 31 3:50 PM the Capricorn Sun sets on London Fields

Autumn Equinox in London Fields

The Hackney MILE OF ART

Mile of Art Photoblog1 

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This is the astrological chart of the picture

this is the end of year chart for hackney. The Sun sets following Mars Mercury Venus and Pluto. The Sun is in Capricorn, the others in Sagittarius.   Mars is only here every few years; Venus and Mercury  are never far from or to the Sun.

The chart draws the tensions the series of shapes in the middle. It is like a crystal structure of the moment. You are left to ask if what the chart shows you respond to? The Moon is at the bottom of the earth at 5degrees Virgo close to the MC IC axis of the chart.

You respond to these picture according to your chart, perhaps

In the New year Saturn the representer of form will be followed by the Moon to give the form inspiration


All text and images and linked images are © 1999-2005  Joseph O'Kelly. If you require any further information on permitted use, or a license to republish any material, email  copyright@hibla.com